Summertime Gallery
Complete 2021

Summertime Gallery is a multi-purpose, nonprofit creative space designed for artists with developmental disabilities. Completed through Design Advocates, we worked directly with the gallery and its community to create a space that effortlessly transitions from studio to exhibition site. Featuring custom modular furniture, bright white walls for displaying artwork, and punchy pastel accents, the newly designed space creates a mature, yet playful platform for artists to tell their stories.

The design process was collaborative from the start. To create a space that best serves the gallery’s community, we hosted a participatory pin-up where artists and gallerists provided feedback on our initial proposals. These insights inspired us to design multi-purpose desks that can be used to work on and display art on.

Mindful of clearance requirements and the gallery’s primary function as an exhibition space, we designed all of the furniture to be stackable and modular. Desks, tables, and chairs can easily be rearranged in different areas of the room to create workspaces, or piled on top of one another to transform the area into an open exhibition space. Design details such as the furniture’s durable plywood material and soft rounded edges give the space a minimalist, yet cheerful appeal, while a cream-colored curtain hangs behind a friendly arched doorway to separate the exhibition area from storage and administrative spaces.