All Along Project
In Progress

The All Along Project is a feminist architectural intervention in the urban environment. As a multi-sited installation, the project uses existing public green infrastructure to honor the work of women whose contributions have historically been overshadowed or erased, but whose impact has been here all along.

The project provides parklets and greenstreets with discreet signage and micro-installations, transforming unnamed public spaces into monuments to the women who have shaped our communities. Our extensive research and planning process brought us into conversation with local leaders, archivists, organizers, developers, public representatives, and other designers. The resulting, imagined system of monument-markers is at once a wayfinding program, and a catalog of changemaking women.

Each marker is designed to easily embed into existing infrastructures. A digital interface brings longevity to the in situ experience, expanding on the historical resonances and creating additional opportunities for participation around each informational interaction.

The project is currently in development in New York City. Replicable to other geographies, its ultimate goal is to re-route our local histories toward a more inclusive map of community and those who have shaped it.